Vicar of St Herbert and St John

Dicoese of Durham

We are seeking a Vicar of St Herbert and St John Darlington (Crown Appointment; 1.0 FTE).

The parishes of St Herbert (vacant since 2016) and St John have been united, with a single church building (with good hall/facilities). We seek a minister who will bring real energy to develop the mission of this faithful church of high/central tradition. With the creation of the new parish and the anticipation of a new incumbent’s arrival, there is real energy to see that development taking place. Opportunities for clergy to serve in a single parish, enabling a real focus on growth, are currently rare, but that is the exciting opportunity here.

With excellent links with the Church School, St John’s Academy, and growing collaboration in mission with other local clergy, we are praying for a minister comfortable both with serving a congregation used to traditional worship and who will enjoy pursuing new avenues for the church’s mission.

Closing date: 29 January 2025

To apply for this job please visit