Rector and Village Church Missioner

Diocese of Salisbury

The Benefice of the Cley Hill Villages  are looking for a collaborative minister with a vision to see rural churches flourish in these thriving communities. This post includes a new role as a mission enabler for Heytesbury Deanery.

The Benefice has two parishes with six churches, lying in small rural communities (total population c.3,000). We hope our new Rector will:

•   be a team leader, encouraging and developing lay ministries.
•   Work across the deanery to encourage smaller churches and the missional role of their historic buildings.
•   Be a kind and loving pastor.
•   Develop new forms of worship.
•   Engage with families, young people & our three Primary Schools.
•   Embrace and enjoy being part of the wider social life of our villages, to be a visible presence and sign of God’s love.

We offer:
•   Welcoming, willing and active communities.
•   A modern, four-bedroom Rectory in a pleasant village location.
•   Living in an area of outstanding natural beauty, with good road and rail links – situated halfway between the cities of Salisbury and Bath.

Closing date 18th February 2025

Shortlisting 25th February 2025

Interviews 24th & 25th March 2025

To apply for this job please visit