Diocese of Bath & Wells
We are seeking a Priest who will lead us into a new chapter of church life in our six parishes in the heart of rural Somerset as we learn to work and worship together as a new benefice.
We are praying for our priest to:
- Bring insight and enthusiasm to help us move to a new empowering future;
- Inspire and enable the Church to be the heart of our communities;
- Be a Team Player and Team Leader who will co-ordinate, identify and develop the ministry of Lay Worship and Lay Pastoral Assistants and involvement in the life of the church;
- Develop our worship to deepen our faith;
- Be a caring link across our communities especially with schools, local events and groups.
We offer:
- A supportive team of Churchwardens, two retired priests with PTO and a Reader;
- Committed people who are used to being responsible for their church buildings and church life;
- Voluntary and some paid administrative help;
- A four bedroomed rectory in Pilton;
- Encouragement and support for you to nourish your own spiritual life and well-being.
Notable dates
Closing date for applications: 21 November 2024 at 12 noon
Visit and interviews: 11/12 December 2024
To apply for this job please visit www.bathandwells.org.uk.