Methodist Church
This is an exciting new role leading, expanding, and embedding a vibrant culture of pioneering and planting new churches and Christian communities in every district and circuit across the Methodist Church in Britain – supporting clergy and lay leaders in the Church’s major commitments to prioritise mission and grow relationally, spiritually, and numerically, especially related to engaging religiously-unaffiliated people and rising generations in diverse British contexts, with a priority for those experiencing marginalization.
The successful candidate will further develop, operationalise, and manage the New Places for New People/Church at the Margins strategic areas of the Methodist Church in Britain’s God For All strategy. This will include working strategically; embedding deep learning and practice; managing staff, workplans and budgets; and organizing networks of leaders.
You will be a member of the Evangelism and Growth Team of the Methodist Church in Britain, working collaboratively with many other teams, groups, and networks across and beyond the Methodist Church in Britain. You will also be part of the wider Mission Team, playing a key role in implementing its strategy in response to Our Calling and the Methodist Way of Life.
Closing Date: Monday 17 February 2024 by 12:00 noon
Interview: Wednesday 5 March 2024 at Methodist Church House London
To apply for this job please visit methodist.current-vacancies.com.